We have tonnes of great yogurt making tips and recipes right here.
Newley designed air-tight silicone lid for a plastic free yogurt making environment.
I am using it to make homemade L. Ruteiri yoghurt. I start with full milk and Biogaia Gastrus tablets. The yoghurt tastes so well that when one batch is finished, the next batch will start. Possible because I have two 2 liter containers. I start the next batches with part of the former batches. Every now and then I start with new tablets. The Luvele does work perfectly, very reliable. So I am new in yoghurt making, but with the Luvele that is not a problem at all.
Good. If these containers could have come in a cheaper bundle pack, that would have been nice. Clarification whether the lid can be disinfected with boiling water (since I use boiling water to disinfect the glass container) for a short time would have also been nice.
We love our home fermented yoghurt so much that we needed extra glass containers so we can make more batches. The Luvele Yoghurt Maker makes it easy to make 24 hour yoghurt the GAPS way!
Wow, thanks for the great feedback, love seeing your two yogurt makers in action side by side : ))
The glass container works perfect to put the finished yogurt directly into the refrigerator, and while I am enjoying that batch, I have a 2nd container batch incubating at the same time. So 2 glass containers are the way to go! I love my lovely Luvele!
Thanks for the great review :))
super and the most helpful customer service! I will surely come back!
The container fits perfectly the yogurt maker, it's the best yogurt maker I have ever tried!